DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with Star Stable in any shape, size, or form. I just hang around Jorvik sometimes and buy crazy horses. I don't own Star Stable, and copyright stuff belongs to them. Thanks :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Welcome to Ravenbrook Stables!

Hi, I am Octavia or in this case, Astrid Lightningnest. Sooo, you can call me Astrid on this blog. If you need to know, I have nine horses :)

Here are a few of them:

Blechy and I enjoying a morning ride.

This is Bravecloud the level fourteen or thirteen Arabian Thoroughbred. My friends and I call him Blechy :)  He is one of my fastest horses at Ravenbrook, breaking all of Midnightspider's records at level one. In this photo he forgot to wear his leg wraps :)

Middy trotting with the welshies.

This is Midnightspider, my level fifteen Jorvik Warmblood. I call her Middy. She enjoys running with the welshies on South Hoof :D  She loves races and being the riding horse for young children, but if she had to choose, she'd be the riding horse for the children.

Ray Ray looking majestic.

This is Ravenshadow the level ten or nine Friesian Horse. She was the inspiration for Ravenbrook Stables :)  We like to call her Ray Ray or Ray Van Shadow. I, sadly, don't ride her often because when I do I basically get a whole heap of people following me O_O

Hobbit galloping through the Baroness' racetrack.

This is Dangereagle the level four or five American Quarter Horse. I came up with her nickname, Hobbit. She is an energetic race horse who is commonly outside in the Baroness' racetrack because she can charge around and jump :)

Moldy Oldy jumping.

This is Ashsoul (We call him Moldy Oldy or just Oldy) the level four or five Oldenburg. He is a beautiful show-jumper and a fantastic race horse, but he says he'll stick to jumping :)

Stinky Chinky trotting in Applegrove.

This is Stormpromise the level fifteen Chincoteague pony, who I call Stinky Chinky because he doesn't like to take baths XD  I take him to Applegrove and toss an apple into the water and he goes chasing after, but then he has to take a bath! He loves food and is a two time gold medal winner.

Nightwarrior on a trail ride.

This is Nightwarrior the level four or five Danish Warmblood. He love trail rides and loves jumping even more! He really likes going for trail rides in Firgrove. He sometimes goes for a canter around the fields of gold :D

Echo enjoying a beach ride.
This is Echoeffect the level one Chincoteague pony. I like to call her Echo because Echoeffect is kind of a mouthful. Echo likes children, trail rides, and water, but she dislikes races. She actually is a good jumper and I hope I can encourage her to try jump courses sometime in the near future.

Moon looking out to the sea.

This is Moonglory the level two or three Jorvik pony that I call Moon. He likes being sinister and evil whenever that's possible. He also likes racing his fellow ponies in the pony race. He loves to eat food his goal is to eat all the different foods in the world.

That was my nine horses! Expect to hear some fun stories of them and their funny adventures!


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